On Sat, 7 Dec 2019, Dave Mielke wrote:

> [quoted lines by Tage Johansson on 2019/12/06 at 21:09 +0100]
> >Ok, so this is extremely strange. I've tested things again and it seems like
> >the speech sometimes is interrupted when moving to a new line in the midle of
> >a line but not always. It seems it is more likely to interrupt the speech at
> >the beginning of a line. So if I move between two lines quicly it gets
> >interrupted but if I wait a second the speech will not be interrupted when I
> >move to a new line.
> It's now happened to me twice. For me, it happens when brltrty is started
> during a system boot. Interestingly, thopgh, when I then stop and restart
> brltty the problem goes away. When it strikes it happens even when I move
> quickly from line to line.

I can't reproduce that.

But I'm not using PulseAudio either.

One thing worth looking in the log is the delay between the sending of 
the "mute speech" and the reception of the "speech finished" response. 
Is it representative of the perceived speech lag?

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