I don't have a formalized single mentor but draw on the established regular
callers in my area (or internet extended area :) for advice and feedback.
At least one of these callers created opportunities for me to try out
larger venue public calling which nudged me over the hump to try doing a
full evening on my own, which was great.

BTW, one area caller just opened himself up for very public feedback on a
recent gig via a Facebook note discussion, which included the dancers as
well - I found to be very brave and smart, as it seems to be producing rich


On Mon, May 7, 2012 at 12:02 PM, lynn ackerson <cally...@pacbell.net> wrote:

> In your calling career, do you now or have you ever had a mentor? If so,
> who was
> it and what specific things did they do to help you grow as a caller and a
> person?
>     thanks,
>         Lynn
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