I was introduced to Dudley Laufman by a friend in the spring of 1994.  I
attended and sat in as a musician with many dances led by him for many
years while I lived in NH.  He also let me talk shop with him at his place
in Canterbury, NH, and let me borrow titles from his huge personal library
of books, tapes and CDs.  He also got me my first paying gig.  There's
simply too much to share via email about how helpful he was and continues
to be.

Dave Harvey
NYC Barn Dance

On Mon, May 7, 2012 at 2:27 PM, Don Veino <sharedweight_...@veino.com>wrote:

> I don't have a formalized single mentor but draw on the established regular
> callers in my area (or internet extended area :) for advice and feedback.
> At least one of these callers created opportunities for me to try out
> larger venue public calling which nudged me over the hump to try doing a
> full evening on my own, which was great.
> BTW, one area caller just opened himself up for very public feedback on a
> recent gig via a Facebook note discussion, which included the dancers as
> well - I found to be very brave and smart, as it seems to be producing rich
> results.
> -Don
> On Mon, May 7, 2012 at 12:02 PM, lynn ackerson <cally...@pacbell.net>
> wrote:
> > In your calling career, do you now or have you ever had a mentor? If so,
> > who was
> > it and what specific things did they do to help you grow as a caller and
> a
> > person?
> >     thanks,
> >         Lynn
> > _______________________________________________
> > Callers mailing list
> > call...@sharedweight.net
> > http://www.sharedweight.net/mailman/listinfo/callers
> >
> _______________________________________________
> Callers mailing list
> call...@sharedweight.net
> http://www.sharedweight.net/mailman/listinfo/callers

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