Hi Wilfried,

> You are in the consortium this for background. http://www.mycare2x.de
> This page don't link IMHO to the main care2x resources.

http://www.mycare2x.de is an initative of healthcare Consulting gmbh to
promote Care2x in Germany.

> What you see is a news ticker about the changes at care2x.de this
> newsticker gives later developers a fast few what is interesting to
> them. This is an easy extension and have not the possibility to set
> links without hacking the code. After a few more news you find this in
> the archive.

Not even to hard-code a link like: <a
href="http://www.care2x.net";>resources</a> ?

> Why. Realy at the startpage someone find some page news - changing to
> the next navigation "What is CARE2x?" from this page i push him
> directely to the care2x main resources.

So why I am missing is a clear statement about main purpose
> At the visible page of care2x for everyone there have to be as less
> information as possible. They can go to the main resources eg:
> care2x.net , com org.
> Developers that like to get informed about new ideas tools, scripts
> interesting source codes installlation ideas can login with their user
> name.
> At a later point than the complete navigation changes. they can also
> choose again navigation groups. For example they choose the group
> inside to intranet setup. Inside intranet setup they change to the
> group security and the navigation shows only information about their
> interest. -> intranetsetup and security.
> So you can provide thousands of pages without loosing orientation of
> the navigation. If you are not logged in the pages are visible so you
> can bookmark things to your browser. But you have the navigation as a
> non registered user.
> AH> It seems that you have hijacked the name Care2x for you personal (if
may say
> AH> that: diffuse) purposes. (Well done :-| you surely create more traffic
> AH> this domain name than on goedert.com or else....)
> Wrong my personal and private homepage have to much traffic. I
> everytime try to reduce it. And goedert com i am not the owner as far
> as i remember :-)
> There was a time that my private homepage had 700 000 pageviews per
> week. I am realy happy that this time is gone.
> AH> Care2x.de does not give the impression of a well developed, far
> AH> worldwide software project in such a critical field like medicine and
> AH> informatics. It looks like a gaming place of some information
> AH> german newbee looking for Care2x for the first time a would
> AH> change my interest...
> Push your information in the search engines. Invest time, money or
> both and you have success. I did the same for care2x.de
> AH> To my opinion CARE2x.de would be a german language resource for the
> AH> project.
> Do you need access to implement the scripts for multilanguage?
> AH> Here information mainly in german language should be given, mainly
> AH> german Care2x projects should be featured and referenced, mainly
> AH> health care issues (in respect to Care2x) should be discussed etc....
> So why you don't write this in the German care2x mailing list and let
> it discuss there?
> If the multilang. version is ready it is flexible enough.
> Anyways if you have a project and like to put it here. You are
> wellcome. You sudenly get access and the full power of possibilities
> this CMS is able to give.
> The same is your company or the consortium can be listed: some example
> http://typo3.org/about/references/
> http://typo3.org/about/consultancies-hosting/
> OK this have to be adapted to care2x related stuff, because it is not
> the same.
> AH> Please do not misunderstand: This is not german nationalistic
attitude. It
> AH> is only a question of logics, structure and transparency.
> hmmm first i thought to setup it in German as main language. I
> did..... and in the mailinglist i posted about it.
> AH> Otherwise Wilfried should pass over Care2x.de domain to the growing,
> AH> silent german Care2x community.
> I offer everyone to bring input. I have no problems with it. The
> German community is wellcome. The system is designed for it.
> But i wouldn't like to exclude other nations or developers that like
> to bring input without the background of a company or company
> interest.
> If a company like to bring input they are free to offer their
> services and if its useful content... not a problem.
> They way is this: Needs only to be configured:
> Someone registers as a normal user. Than he is in the General User
> Group
> When he is logged in than a link what is not in the menue before is
> available. He can register a consulty or something else. Than he is
> in the Genaral User Group and additional the Consulties User Group.
> A neutral link and information page about every consulties is provided
> to everyone. Its also possible that different consulties can work
> together. Share information and services.
> Why to give this possibilities only to Germans? It is a neutral
> listing and information. The companies can advertise a link to their
> own webpage. There is a automatic script includet. If there is no
> activity inside an account, then after 100 days a Mail is sending out,
> to ask if there is the service or consulties still available.
> If there is no more login after a time the information and the user
> are automaticely deleted. Once have to register again.
> Version: 2.6
> 2QFEGFOS2GduA9R4XvUAmRUMgU63FjaijUKaNt/WsX6hegNXViCxD20sgZpE7fWJ
> YOuHtxujKU4mjr/Jx2zXuL9HcA+S1THo1wbndu6C161+PH+BCKcmar1+Xw0YLw7S
> 0UikXBorb8Y=
> =3Tl5
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