Hi all,

I fully support Elpidio Latorilla's sharp and negative reaction towards W.
Goedert's Care2x.de project.

Looking at the Care2x.de-Site one can hardly find any close assosiation with
the Care2x Project at all.

May I cite the main paragraph on the site concerning Care2x ? ::
""As you see CARE2x.de is no more only a mirror of the Care2x project. You
may be astonished that there is a lot of content missed for the moment. To
get more information browse through the menu if you like to get information
about CARE2X browse the CARE2x resources at the main domains of CARE2x or a
mirror for faster access. ""

First: the site is no mirror at all !
Second: No links, not even any hint to the many web-adresses of serious
Care2x ressources !!

Just "browse the Care2x resources..." is not enough for anyone, who is
seeking for more information.

So, that is close to sabotage, Wilfried !
It seems that you have hijacked the name Care2x for you personal (if may say
that: diffuse) purposes. (Well done :-| you surely create more traffic on
this domain name than on goedert.com or else....)
Care2x.de does not give the impression of a well developed, far advanced,
worldwide software project in such a critical field like medicine and health
informatics. It looks like a gaming place of some information idealist...As
german newbee looking for Care2x for the first time a would immediately
change my interest...

To my opinion CARE2x.de would be a german language resource for the Care2x
project. Here information mainly in german language should be given, mainly
german Care2x projects should be featured and referenced, mainly german
health care issues (in respect to Care2x) should be discussed etc....

Please do not misunderstand: This is not german nationalistic attitude. It
is only a question of logics, structure and transparency.

So I ask Wilfried, not to run Care2x.de as his personal advertising panel
and Typo3 experimental place.

He should rather dedicate this site explicitly to Care2x, not less and not

Otherwise Wilfried should pass over Care2x.de domain to the growing, but
silent german Care2x community.

Sorry, I had to say that.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "John Walling" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, May 14, 2004 6:49 PM
Subject: Re: [Care2002-developers] Proofing

Hi all indeed,

I propose a skunk mascot for the approach suggested by Roel:

"The Skunk Works is a concentration of a few good people solving problems
far in advance ......... by applying the simplest, most straightforward
methods possible to develop and produce new products."
- C. L. "Kelly" Johnson (1910 - 1990)

Kelly Johnson's 14 Rules of Management:

Skunk Works Patterns:

n.b. "Skunk Works" is trademarked by Lockheed Martin.

From: Roel De Meester <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Care2002-developers] Proofing
At 09:03 AM 5/14/2004 +0100, you wrote:
>Hi all,
>I personally think Mr. Wilfried is doing a good thing on his site, but the
only concern i have is
>about the domain name which brings some confusion.
>My impression is that the current state of care2x.de is just an alpha
version of some interesting
>growing web-site, and that Mr. Wilfried is putting it public in order for
others [like care2x
>developers] to see what he is aiming at.
>After reading all archived mails of the last months i can clearly see the
good things that he has
>contributed so i guess this care2x.de is another good contribution to
>My suggestion would be
>* bring care2x.de back as mirror for European users
>* register care2x-extra.org/de/com for plugins, extra info etc... and
clearly state that it is not
>the 'official' site
>* keep link in care2x -> care2x-extra and visa versa
>* Include the extra's and plugin info on the main website in another
SubMenu and make Mr.
>Wilfiried responsible for that section
>BTW, if you think i should mind my own business as a newbie, please say so.
Than i will just go on
>reading and learning and maybe contributing to care2x.
> --- Elpidio Latorilla <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Wilfried,
>> On Thursday 13 May 2004 12:21, Wilfried Goedert wrote:
>> > EL> Are you preparing to make a fork of Care2x?
>> >
>> > Hahaha realy absolutely NO!
>> >
>> > sorry for crying. And if you look inside care2x.de you realy can see
>> > that I don'nt make my own thing.
>> Judging on the sarcasm and on the resulting analysis of the ramblings
that you
>> dumped in your reply, one can conclude that you have no intention of
>> following the 3 minimum requirements I listed, not even one.
>> So let us make it final now.
>> §§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§
>> You want to make it according to your wishes disregarding the danger of
>> confusion and eventually fragmenting the project.
>> In this regard, let it be clear to all concerned that the care2x.de is a
>> private move of Mr. Gödert and is totally independent of the Care2x
>> Care2x has nothing more to do with care2x.de and will not sanction any
>> information or claims done within that website.
>> The information and references to Mr. Gödert within the Care2x's websites
>> will be maintained since he rightfully earned the credits for his
>> contributions to the project in the past. The information will remain as
>> unless he personally requests it to be removed.
>> We are all free human beings, so anybody can work with him if one likes
>> needs) to. It will not affect one's relationship to Care2x. However, one
>> keep in mind that care2x.de is NOT the Care2x project. Avoid
>> the two.
>> Let this closes this matter for good.
>> §§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§
>> I am fully aware that this might fragment the project. But I believe that
>> is better to do it now than later, otherwise we can never move on. It is
>> impossible to satisfy every individual so the last resort is to let that
>> individual free and go his own way.
>> Respectfully,
>> Elpidio Latorilla
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I'll see it when I believe it.

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