On 07/21/2004 02:58 PM, Jeff Browndyke, Ph.D. wrote:

Hello all,

Sorry in advance for the annoying newbie question but, can CARET / SUREfit
do the following:

1.) generate cortical thickness data for later use in VBM

No, but Freesurfer can.

2.) generate fMRI activity group maps based upon surface-based registration

Yes, and this is an area of rapid improvement at the moment (both caret5 and our atlases).

You can also map functional group maps based on volume-based registration (e.g., if your group data is in a supported atlas space such as SPM, afni, or 711-2B.

But if you have segmented all your subjects and registered them to an atlas target, then you can map the individual subjects' functional data onto their respective surfaces; apply the deformation map to the resulting metric files; and average the deformed metric files.

3.) output surface-based fMRI data in a format usable by SPM or AFNI for
between-group analyses

I've bought into the relative superiority of surface-based registration for
cortical fMRI data, but I'm still at a loss as to how one could carry
surface registered fMRI data out to a logical extension and perform
between-group fMRI comparisons (e.g., normals vs. patient samples).

Any tips or redirects would be most appreciated.

Dr. Van Essen is writing a paper for Neuroimage on this subject, but I don't know the target publication date. Perhaps he would be willing to make a preprint version available to the list. (Or perhaps he's still writing it. ;-) He's out of the office today, but will return tomorrow.

Jeff Browndyke, Ph.D.

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