Hi Yan,

A few clarifications:

* Many HCP experts were tied up in meetings all day yesterday, and will be 
today as well. Your patience is appreciated.

* caret-users is a great place to ask questions about caret5/caret_command, but 
for HCP-related questions, this mailing list is the best place:


You need to subscribe to post.

There is a bunch of great documentation here:


For example, page 61 of this PDF document might be helpful:


I would not expect the pre- and post-processed data to have the same file 

And regarding issue 3) again, the HCP data contains CIFTI files that are named 
like *dscalar.nii, *dlabel.nii, etc. (I don't have a sample subject handy, but 
I"m used to the actual NIFTI volumes being named like *.nii.gz (gzipped), 
rather than just *.nii.  To test whether your *nii that MRIcron won't read is 
CIFTI or NIFTI, try this in a terminal window:

grep -a CIFTI my_file.nii

If you see output including a <CIFTI .*> XML start tag, then you've got a CIFTI 
file, and you need to view it in Workbench or something that can view CIFTI.

Circling back, if you have more HCP-related questions, join HCP-users (link 
above); post your query there; and be patient.  You'll probably get an answer 
in a day or so.

Hang in there.  We were all confused at first (and some of us still are, albeit 
a bit less than we used to be). ;-)


On Sep 28, 2014, at 5:07 PM, "Tang, Yan" <yan.t...@ttu.edu> wrote:

> yes, I also submit my question in website 
> http://humanconnectome.org/contact/index.php. But nobody answer me. In 
> question 3, the data's name is data.nii. So I think it is NIFTI.
> ________________________________________
> From: caret-users-boun...@brainvis.wustl.edu 
> [caret-users-boun...@brainvis.wustl.edu] on behalf of Donna Dierker 
> [do...@brainvis.wustl.edu]
> Sent: Sunday, September 28, 2014 4:54 PM
> To: Caret, SureFit, and SuMS software users
> Subject: Re: [caret-users] projecting functional MRI to gii surfaces
> Hi Yan,
> This question should be directed to hcp-users, rather than caret-users.  But 
> be warned that many of the HCP experts are tied up in meetings today and 
> tomorrow.
> I'm not sure this is the issue with 3), but note that MRIcron probably can't 
> read CIFTI files (composites of cortical surface and subcortical/cerebellar 
> volumetric data).  These are named like *.dscalar.nii, *.dlabel.nii, and 
> several other flavors.  These aren't NIFTI volumes like many software 
> packages expect.  For that matter, caret5 won't read them, either.  You need 
> workbench, which is supported by hcp-users.
> You're already on that list, no?
> Donna
> On Sep 27, 2014, at 10:25 AM, "Tang, Yan" <yan.t...@ttu.edu> wrote:
>> hello, eveyone
>> I am beginner. I want to download the DTI data  in the Human Connectome 
>> Projet. But I are conflused by the processed data and unprocessed data.
>> 1)The unprocessed data contains the NIFTI-formatted pairs (L-R, R-L) of 
>> diffusion scans for all directions (95,96,and 97). And processed data only 
>> include diffusion weighting (bvals), direction (bvecs), time series, brain 
>> mask, and a file (grad_dev.nii.gz). Why? what did you only keep?
>> 2)In the processed data, whether the file of *_SBRef.nii describe the B0?
>> 3)I download the processed data, but I couldn't use the Micron to open the 
>> data.nii. Why? I download two subjects. Both subjects couldn't be opened.
>> ________________________________________
>> From: caret-users-boun...@brainvis.wustl.edu 
>> [caret-users-boun...@brainvis.wustl.edu] on behalf of Donna Dierker 
>> [do...@brainvis.wustl.edu]
>> Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2014 3:47 PM
>> To: Caret, SureFit, and SuMS software users
>> Subject: Re: [caret-users] projecting functional MRI to gii surfaces
>> Hi Yan,
>> There are lots of ways to split up the brain -- "parcellations".  For 
>> example, the Conte69 atlas 
>> (http://brainvis.wustl.edu/wiki/index.php/Caret:Conte69_Atlas) comes with 
>> two label.gii files per hemisphere, e.g.:
>> parcellations_VGD11b.R.164k_fs_LR.label.gii
>> RSN-networks.R.164k_fs_LR.label.gii
>> The first includes two parcellations:
>>      Composite Parcellation-rh (FRB08_OFP03_retinotopic)
>>      Brodmann rh (from colin.R via pals_R-to-fs_LR)
>> The second includes four parcellations:
>>      7 RSN Networks (YKS11 - Yeo et al., JNP, 2011)
>>      17 RSN Networks (YKS11 - Yeo et al., JNP, 2011)
>>      RSN consensus communities (holes filled) (PCN11 - Power_Neuron11)
>>      RSN consensus communities (PCN11 - Power_Neuron11)
>> And lots more have been published since, and will continue to be published. 
>> ;-)
>> So you have to decide which one you want.  Then you can either load that 
>> parcellation in wb_view (or caret5) and click on nodes interactively, or if 
>> you want to write a script that queries regions, there is a lookup table 
>> that maps the label key to a label name in the front of the label file, e.g.:
>>   <Label Key="0" Red="0.667" Green="0.667" Blue="0.667"
>> Alpha="0"><![CDATA[???]]></Label>
>>   <Label Key="1" Red="1" Green="1" Blue="1"
>> Alpha="1"><![CDATA[u1_Unassigned]]></Label>
>>   <Label Key="2" Red="0.502" Green="0.502" Blue="0.502"
>> Alpha="1"><![CDATA[u2_Ventral_frontal_temporal]]></Label>
>>   <Label Key="3" Red="1" Green="0" Blue="0"
>> Alpha="1"><![CDATA[a3_Default_mode]]></Label>
>>   <Label Key="4" Red="0" Green="1" Blue="1"
>> Alpha="1"><![CDATA[a4_"Hand"_somatosensory-motor]]></Label>
>>   <Label Key="5" Red="0" Green="0" Blue="1"
>> Alpha="1"><![CDATA[a5_Visual]]></Label>
>>   <Label Key="6" Red="0.961" Green="0.961" Blue="0.059"
>> Alpha="1"><![CDATA[a6_Fronto-parietal_task_control]]></Label>
>>   <Label Key="7" Red="0" Green="0.502" Blue="0.502"
>> Alpha="1"><![CDATA[a7_Ventral_attention]]></Label>
>>   <Label Key="8" Red="0" Green="0.275" Blue="0.157"
>> Alpha="1"><![CDATA[a8_Caudate_putamen]]></Label>
>>   <Label Key="9" Red="1" Green="0.722" Blue="0.831"
>> Alpha="1"><![CDATA[a9_Superior_temporal_gyrus]]></Label>
>>   <Label Key="10" Red="0.675" Green="0.675" Blue="0.675"
>> Alpha="1"><![CDATA[u10_Inferior_temporal_pole]]></Label>
>> You can also export the label table as ASCII text.  But each vertex is 
>> associated with one of these keys in the label.gii file.
>> Donna
>> On Aug 28, 2014, at 2:27 PM, "Tang, Yan" <yan.t...@ttu.edu> wrote:
>>> I still have problem. How can I know which brain region is every vertex 
>>> belonged to?
>>> ________________________________________
>>> From: Tang, Yan
>>> Sent: Friday, August 15, 2014 12:27 PM
>>> To: Caret, SureFit,     and SuMS software users
>>> Subject: RE: [caret-users] projecting functional MRI to gii surfaces
>>> Thank all of you. Thank you very much.
>>> ________________________________________
>>> From: caret-users-boun...@brainvis.wustl.edu 
>>> [caret-users-boun...@brainvis.wustl.edu] on behalf of Donna Dierker 
>>> [do...@brainvis.wustl.edu]
>>> Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2014 2:27 PM
>>> To: Caret, SureFit, and SuMS software users
>>> Subject: Re: [caret-users] projecting functional MRI to gii surfaces
>>> Hi Yan,
>>> I'm not sure about wb_import, but I know it won't downsample for you.  This 
>>> will, I hope:
>>> http://brainmap.wustl.edu/pub/donna/ATLASES/HUMAN/FSLR/downsample164_to_32k.zip
>>> login pub
>>> password download
>>> There is a script in there you will need to tweak to put in your pathnames 
>>> and subject list.  I tried it on some freesurfer_to_fs_LR output I had 
>>> lying around, and it worked.  The zip file also contains the spheres you 
>>> need:
>>> ExtractDir=/home/donna/downsample164_to_32k
>>> SubjectDir=/mnt/myelin/donna/SUBJ/fs_LR_output_directory
>>> ResamplingMethod=BARYCENTRIC
>>> for Subject in $SubjList
>>> do
>>> for Hemisphere in L R
>>> do
>>> CoordInput=$SubjectDir/$Subject/"$Subject".$Hemisphere.midthickness_orig.164k_fs_LR.coord.gii
>>> TopoInput=$SubjectDir/$Subject/"$Subject".$Hemisphere.164k_fs_LR.topo.gii
>>> SurfaceInput=$SubjectDir/$Subject/"$Subject".$Hemisphere.midthickness_orig.164k_fs_LR.surf.gii
>>> caret_command -file-convert -sc -is CARET $CoordInput $TopoInput -os
>>> GS $SurfaceInput
>>> CurrentSphere=$ExtractDir/spheres/standard.$Hemisphere.sphere.164k_fs_LR.surf.gii
>>> NewSphere=$ExtractDir/spheres/standard.$Hemisphere.sphere.32k_fs_LR.surf.gii
>>> SurfaceOutput=$SubjectDir/$Subject/"$Subject".$Hemisphere.midthickness_orig.32k_fs_LR.surf.gii
>>> wb_command -surface-resample \
>>>     $SurfaceInput \
>>>     $CurrentSphere \
>>>     $NewSphere \
>>>     $ResamplingMethod \
>>>     $SurfaceOutput
>>> done
>>> done
>>> Donna
>>> On Aug 13, 2014, at 10:42 AM, "Tang, Yan" <yan.t...@ttu.edu> wrote:
>>>> You means I can finish this work by using the Connectome Workbench. So, 
>>>> the first thing I need to do is to convert all files to Workbench format 
>>>> by using wb_import. Is it true?
>>>> From: caret-users-boun...@brainvis.wustl.edu 
>>>> [caret-users-boun...@brainvis.wustl.edu] on behalf of Timothy Coalson 
>>>> [tsc...@mst.edu]
>>>> Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2014 7:16 PM
>>>> To: Caret, SureFit, and SuMS software users; Donna Dierker
>>>> Subject: Re: [caret-users] projecting functional MRI to gii surfaces
>>>> -spec-file-change-resolution will not get you to the fs_LR 32k atlas from 
>>>> fs_LR 164k (but it may get you deceptively close, making it even more 
>>>> treacherous).  Those messages aren't errors, and the reasons behind them 
>>>> are better left alone, as this isn't the command you want.
>>>> What you need to do is to use the fs_LR atlas files for resampling the 
>>>> surface.  In caret5, this requires deformation map files, which we have 
>>>> probably already made for going between fs_LR 32k and 164k (Donna, do you 
>>>> know if these are available?), with the -deformation-map-apply command.  
>>>> However, we now do this in Connectome Workbench using atlas spheres 
>>>> directly with the -surface-resample command (the fs_LR 32k and 164k 
>>>> spheres are aligned by definition, but going to or from other atlases will 
>>>> need a cross-atlas registered sphere).
>>>> Tim
>>>> On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 4:33 PM, Tang, Yan <yan.t...@ttu.edu> wrote:
>>>> Sorry, I meet another problem.  I used  the Freesurfer_to_fs_LR Pipeline 
>>>> to get  164k fs_LR surface. I think the vertex too much. So I want to  
>>>> down-sampled to a 32,492 vertex surface. I used the caret_command 
>>>> -spec-file-change-resolution.
>>>> But, the error was  followed:
>>>> "Nonstandard resolution specified...
>>>> Using closest divided icosahedron, with 32492 nodes."
>>>> Can you explain it?
>>>> if I change the number, I find only  a few files be created such as 
>>>> def_sphere.coord, def_sphere.deform_map,study1.R.2k_fs_LR.topo.gii and 
>>>> study1.R.mini+orig.2k_fs_LR.spc. Many files such as curvature.shape.gii, 
>>>> inflated.coord.gii, midthickness.coord.gii, pial.coord.gii, 
>>>> thickness.shape.gii and white.coord.gii all aren't changed. So, I do some 
>>>> wrong steps. How should I do it?
>>>> From: caret-users-boun...@brainvis.wustl.edu 
>>>> [caret-users-boun...@brainvis.wustl.edu] on behalf of Timothy Coalson 
>>>> [tsc...@mst.edu]
>>>> Sent: Monday, August 11, 2014 3:54 PM
>>>> To: Caret, SureFit, and SuMS software users
>>>> Subject: Re: [caret-users] projecting functional MRI to gii surfaces
>>>> On Mon, Aug 11, 2014 at 2:14 PM, Tang, Yan <yan.t...@ttu.edu> wrote:
>>>> Yes,I have a lot of volumes which need be projected to surface. I only 
>>>> know how to use the 'map volume to surface '. I don't know how to use the 
>>>> command. Could you give me an example?
>>>> Can the file of *.coord.gii be thought as the <coordinate-file-name> file? 
>>>> But I only found .coord file can be used in the menu of "caret command 
>>>> executor" . How about "topo"?
>>>> .coord.gii should work, if it doesn't rename or copy the file to end in 
>>>> just .coord .  The topo is the same file you need to load to be able to 
>>>> view the surface.
>>>> another thing is how to set the <input-metric-or-paint-file-name>?
>>>> From the pasted help:
>>>> "If the input metric or paint file name is not an empty string (""), the 
>>>> newly create metric or paint columns will be appended to the file and then 
>>>> written with the output file name."
>>>> In other words, if you don't want to append the columns to an existing 
>>>> metric file, use "" (a pair of double quotes) for the argument.
>>>> Since you asked something related on the hcp_users list (wb_command volume 
>>>> to surface mapping), I will recommend that you try using wb_command for 
>>>> this, as caret5 is no longer under active development.  The main hurdle in 
>>>> moving to Workbench is converting the separate coord/topo files into the 
>>>> combined .surf.gii format (with caret_command -file-convert with the -sc 
>>>> option).
>>>> ________________________________________
>>>> From: caret-users-boun...@brainvis.wustl.edu 
>>>> [caret-users-boun...@brainvis.wustl.edu] on behalf of Donna Dierker 
>>>> [do...@brainvis.wustl.edu]
>>>> Sent: Tuesday, August 05, 2014 9:14 AM
>>>> To: Caret, SureFit, and SuMS software users
>>>> Cc: Tang, Yiyuan
>>>> Subject: Re: [caret-users] projecting functional MRI to gii surfaces
>>>> I'm not clear on what you mean by "I want get fMRI time course for surface 
>>>> vertices of every subject."
>>>> If you just mean how do you scale up -- map that many volumes to all your 
>>>> subjects -- then I recommend scripting it and using caret_command.  (Note 
>>>> that Workbench, the software that is superseding Caret 5.*, has more 
>>>> robust mapping features than caret_command, but I am going to provide the 
>>>> caret_command usage, since this is the caret-users list.  There is also a 
>>>> hcp-users list that covers workbench.)
>>>> Here is the usage for the command that maps volumes onto surfaces:
>>>>   caret_command -volume-map-to-surface
>>>>      <coordinate-file-name>
>>>>      <topology-file-name>
>>>>      <input-metric-or-paint-file-name>
>>>>      <output-metric-or-paint-file-name>
>>>>      <algorithm>
>>>>      <input-volume-file-names>
>>>>      [-av  average-voxel-neighbor-cube-size (mm)]
>>>>      [-bf  brain-fish-max-distance
>>>>            brain-fish-splat factor]
>>>>      [-g   gaussian-neighbor-cube-size (mm)
>>>>            sigma-norm
>>>>            sigma-tang
>>>>            norm below cutoff (mm)
>>>>            norm above cutoff (mm)
>>>>            tang-cutoff (mm)]
>>>>      [-mv  maximum-voxel-neighbor-cube-size (mm)]
>>>>      [-sv  strongest-voxel-neighbor-cube-size (mm)]
>>>>      Map volume(s) to a surface metric or paint file.
>>>>      For successful mapping, both the surface and the volume
>>>>      must be in the same stereotaxic space.
>>>>      "algorithm" is one of:
>>>>         METRIC_GAUSSIAN
>>>>      If the input metric or paint file name is not an empty string
>>>>       (""), the newly create metric or paint columns will be
>>>>      appended to the file and then written with the output file
>>>>      name.
>>>> On Aug 4, 2014, at 3:49 PM, "Tang, Yan" <yan.t...@ttu.edu> wrote:
>>>>> Thank you for your help.  Now, I meet another problem. I project all 
>>>>> functional MRI to 164k fs_LR surface. Every subject have 135 volumes. I 
>>>>> want get fMRI time course for surface vertices of every subject. How 
>>>>> should I do?
>>>>> ________________________________________
>>>>> From: caret-users-boun...@brainvis.wustl.edu 
>>>>> [caret-users-boun...@brainvis.wustl.edu] on behalf of Donna Dierker 
>>>>> [donna.dier...@sbcglobal.net]
>>>>> Sent: Friday, August 01, 2014 5:34 PM
>>>>> To: Caret, SureFit, and SuMS software users
>>>>> Cc: Tang, Yiyuan
>>>>> Subject: Re: [caret-users] projecting functional MRI to gii surfaces
>>>>> Push Toolbar: D/C and make sure the primary overlay is Metric.
>>>>> Make sure the right column is selected.
>>>>> If that check out okay, then I would do:
>>>>> File: Open Data File: Volume Functional File
>>>>> Load the volume you just mapped
>>>>> Switch to volume view and select view All (as opposed to H (horizontal or 
>>>>> axial).
>>>>> Select D/C and on the page selection drop-down menu, scroll all the way 
>>>>> to the bottom
>>>>>    something like volume surface outline
>>>>> Toggle on the fiducial surface used for the mapping, so that you can see 
>>>>> how the surface aligns with the volume.
>>>>> Sometimes there are header issues, and the origin is not set correctly, 
>>>>> resulting in faulty volume-surface alignment.
>>>>> On Aug 1, 2014, at 4:29 PM, "Tang, Yan" <yan.t...@ttu.edu> wrote:
>>>>>> When I open the spec file and mapped the Metric, only the surface was 
>>>>>> displayed. The result is in the attachment. How should I do?
>>>>>> ________________________________________
>>>>>> From: caret-users-boun...@brainvis.wustl.edu 
>>>>>> [caret-users-boun...@brainvis.wustl.edu] on behalf of Donna Dierker 
>>>>>> [donna.dier...@sbcglobal.net]
>>>>>> Sent: Friday, August 01, 2014 4:02 PM
>>>>>> To: Caret, SureFit, and SuMS software users
>>>>>> Cc: Tang, Yiyuan
>>>>>> Subject: Re: [caret-users] projecting functional MRI to gii surfaces
>>>>>> Hmmm.  Sounds like more than a header to me.
>>>>>> When you open the spec file you selected when you mapped the data, and 
>>>>>> select the output file that is 446kb, what happens?
>>>>>> You must make sure you select Metric on the D/C: Overlay/Underlay 
>>>>>> Surface menu (primary or secondary, typically).  Else it won't display.
>>>>>> On Aug 1, 2014, at 2:47 PM, "Tang, Yan" <yan.t...@ttu.edu> wrote:
>>>>>>> I am sure that the file exist and the size of file is 446KB. Is It 
>>>>>>> correct?
>>>>>>> ________________________________________
>>>>>>> From: caret-users-boun...@brainvis.wustl.edu 
>>>>>>> [caret-users-boun...@brainvis.wustl.edu] on behalf of Donna Dierker 
>>>>>>> [donna.dier...@sbcglobal.net]
>>>>>>> Sent: Friday, August 01, 2014 10:10 AM
>>>>>>> To: Caret, SureFit, and SuMS software users
>>>>>>> Cc: Tang, Yiyuan
>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [caret-users] projecting functional MRI to gii surfaces
>>>>>>> Hi Yan,
>>>>>>> Could you use a terminal window or file manager to check whether the 
>>>>>>> file exists, and if so, what its size is.
>>>>>>> We have seen cases before where the file was just a header -- no data.  
>>>>>>> Inexplicably, the presence of a non-english character set on the system 
>>>>>>> used has caused this sort of trouble.  If there is a system nearby that 
>>>>>>> does not have a non-english character set installed, you might see if 
>>>>>>> Caret works there.  Or remove any non-english character sets on your 
>>>>>>> system and see if it helps.
>>>>>>> Donna
>>>>>>> On Jul 31, 2014, at 3:52 PM, "Tang, Yan" <yan.t...@ttu.edu> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Dear all,
>>>>>>>> I used  the Freesurfer_to_fs_LR Pipeline to get  164k fs_LR surface. 
>>>>>>>> Now I want to map functional volumes to surfaces.
>>>>>>>> In volume selection page, I choose my file 'ff001_010.nii'; In spec 
>>>>>>>> file and surface selection page, I choose the file 
>>>>>>>> 'study1.L.orig.164k_fs_LR'. I get a file 
>>>>>>>> 'map_data_0_31_Jul_2014_15_10_13.metric'. But I find I couldn't open 
>>>>>>>> this file. Which step is wrong? How can you do it?
>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>> caret-users mailing list
>>>>>>>> caret-users@brainvis.wustl.edu
>>>>>>>> http://brainvis.wustl.edu/mailman/listinfo/caret-users
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>>>>>>> caret-users mailing list
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>>>>>>> caret-users mailing list
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>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>> caret-users mailing list
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>>>>>> http://brainvis.wustl.edu/mailman/listinfo/caret-users
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>>>>>> caret-users mailing list
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>>>>> caret-users mailing list
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>>>>> caret-users mailing list
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>>>> caret-users mailing list
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>>>> caret-users mailing list
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>>>> caret-users mailing list
>>>> caret-users@brainvis.wustl.edu
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>>>> caret-users mailing list
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>>> caret-users mailing list
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>>> caret-users mailing list
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> caret-users mailing list
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