
wise words.

may I add that if you are buying a DLS anyway, maybe consider getting a model which can also be connected online to an FPLC to do Static LS measurements, ... after all a DLS signal is basically an autocorrelation of the static signal over time ... which will tell you about dispersion, but is incapable of measuring MW, and can only get Rg, unlike static LS (MALLS) that will give you absolute MW over your FPLC - which is handy.


On Oct 30, 2010, at 20:10, Artem Evdokimov wrote:

I second the question of need: a decent PCR machine capable of 'thermofluor'-like experiments should cost around $34-$38K, which leaves about the same amount of $$ for a decent purification machine. One of the questions you have to figure out is: are you setting up a high-throughput lab or a regular kind of lab? If you're doing HT work then perhaps a plate-based DLS is a good idea, although you will undoubtedly need more $$ for the rest of the stuff. On the other hand if you're setting up to do 'regular' i.e. low-throughput (I prefer the term 'hand crafted', by the way) purification then an investment in a Thermofluor machine (be it PCR or a multiwell spectrofluorimeter with temperature control) and another useful device might be more wise.

Having written this, I would have to add for the sake of honesty that my lab has both - but we are in fact straddling the boundary between HT and hand-crafted work and we have use both instruments daily.


On Fri, Oct 29, 2010 at 11:02 PM, Mohd Shukuri Mohamad Ali <shuk...@biotech.upm.edu.my > wrote:
Hi there

Sorry for the off ccp4 topics. I am planning to get a DLS to set up my
crystallography lab. I got a tight budget. Around USD 80000 perhaps. I'm
quite new to this field.

Thanks in advance for your suggestions


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Anastassis (Tassos) Perrakis, Principal Investigator / Staff Member
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