On Fri, Apr 12, 2013 at 10:27 AM, James Holton <jmhol...@lbl.gov> wrote:

>  But, when it comes to GUIs, I have always found them counterproductive.
> In my humble opinion, the purpose of computers and other machines is to DO
> work for me, not create work for me, and I already have enough buttons to
> push each day.

This is a very defensible position with regards to your normal workflow (or
mine) - but beamline scientists (or software developers) are not very
representative of crystallographers as a group.  I've seen a lot of
reflexive anti-GUI mentality from users who don't fall into either
category, presumably because a senior postdoc or PI told them "real
crystallographers use the command line", when in reality they'd be better
served by figuring out on their own what workflow is most efficient for


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