What, I'm afraid, people rarely realise these days, is that their desktops are, 
essentially, GUIs to various OS features, so they obviously use GUI more 
frequently than they think :) After all, this is all matter of habits and 
training, and the reality is that people get more and more GUI-oriented these 
days, like it or not. Whether to fight the reality or try to use it for benefit 
is, certainly, every developer's own choice. I still remember payroll officers 
saying that hand calculators (and even their predecessors) were much more 
convenient and robust than modern software, but do not hear this for some 15 
years already ...


On 12 Apr 2013, at 19:09, James Holton wrote:

I agree with Nat.  There are good GUIs and bad GUIs, just like there are good 
command-line programs and bad command-line programs.  Bad programs are easy to 
write and good ones are hard.  Conservation of "work" I think.

-James Holton
MAD Scientist

On 4/12/2013 10:38 AM, Nat Echols wrote:
On Fri, Apr 12, 2013 at 10:27 AM, James Holton 
<jmhol...@lbl.gov<mailto:jmhol...@lbl.gov>> wrote:
But, when it comes to GUIs, I have always found them counterproductive.  In my 
humble opinion, the purpose of computers and other machines is to DO work for 
me, not create work for me, and I already have enough buttons to push each day.

This is a very defensible position with regards to your normal workflow (or 
mine) - but beamline scientists (or software developers) are not very 
representative of crystallographers as a group.  I've seen a lot of reflexive 
anti-GUI mentality from users who don't fall into either category, presumably 
because a senior postdoc or PI told them "real crystallographers use the 
command line", when in reality they'd be better served by figuring out on their 
own what workflow is most efficient for them.


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