The principle difference between occ=0 and omitting the atom entirely is that occ=0 atoms exclude bulk solvent. Or at least they do for typical operation of contemporary refinement programs. So, by defining occ=0 you are forcing all map voxels within ~0.6A or so of your "invisible" atom to be vacuum. If you omit it, then the bulk solvent may "flood in", perhaps enough to pull the fo-fc peak down below 3x rms. How much the bulk solvent floods in depends on how nearby atoms exclude the bulk solvent, and this, in turn, depends on which refinement program you are using. Different bulk solvent implementations use different radii, "shrink" parameters, etc. In addition, bulk solvent always "bleeds" a bit into surrounding areas because the solvent B factor is never zero.

The real problem, I think, is that for any voxel of the map there is ALWAYS "something there". The only question is: what is it? Is there a 100% occupied ligand? 100% occupied solvent? Two conformers of the ligand? Or is it some mixture of all these? If you are asking these questions I think it is most likely a mixture, and mixtures are hard to model. What is worse, mixtures of a partially-occupied ligand with bulk solvent taking up the slack is currently impossible to model. We will have to wait for partial-occupancy-bulk-solvent to be implemented before we can build representations of these alternative hypotheses and and test them with competitive occupancy refinement.

The bulk solvent is actually a very good example of something for which we see "no evidence" in our electron density maps, yet we model it in because 1) we know it must be there, and 2) it makes our R factors lower. What more could you want?

-James Holton
MAD Scientist

On 6/13/2014 7:45 PM, Frank von Delft wrote:
Hi all - talking about ligands, a quick question on that old conundrum, of what to do about invisible atoms -- build them with occ=0, or omit them?

For bits of protein, I know all the arguments; personally I prefer omitting atoms because:

  * for amino acid sidechains, their presence is implied in the
    residue name.
  * for whole residues, their presence is implied in the sequence

However: what about ligands? Nowhere else in the PDB file is their presence implied - or have I missed something?

(Certainly disorder in a ligand is important information that needs to be captured!)


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