Hi Prashant,

You need to go really slow when concentrating, not more than 2000 rpm for 
proteins that precipitate easily. Your protein could be sticking to the sides 
of your centricon or precipitating. Follow the manual in getting your protein 
out of the filter (I believe you invert the filter into a clean centricon and 
spin down fast).

If you see the protein precipitating (you see the white chunks), you’ve been 
going too fast. Spin your protein down in a conical tube to get the 
precipitation at the bottom, decant supernatant and check the concentration of 
this supernatant to see if further concentration on this sample is worthwhile.

If not, start with a fresh sample.
Good luck,


On Aug 19, 2014, at 1:42 PM, Prashant Deshmukh <prashantbiophys...@gmail.com> 

> Hi,
> i am concentrating my protein using centricon filter, but it is precipitated 
> soon. Please help me solving this problem.
> Thanks. 
> Prashant Deshmukh
> Dept. of Biophysics,
> Bangalore 560 029,
> E-mail:prashantbiophys...@gmail.com
> Mob.No.: +919620986525

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