Strange seller, I do not understand anything, he handed his UTS for ten times the price, but in the same time he just sent me a tracking number O_o. I do not know what to expect. Will I receive this UTS or not? If not, will I get my money back? I do not know. Meanwhile, for the principle, I put a nice negative note. But this guy is a little beside his shoes.

Going back to the subject, yes you may be right, this UTS 40 looks different, I cross my fingers so that it is not completely different (if I received the beast). The connectors of the communication board are deported to another place but this does not necessarily mean that the CPU board is different. The keyboard connector is not visible on the photos because it is in a lower place, but here too I cross my fingers. I am even wondering if this UTS has a CP/M program cartridge, nothing is less certain. This is my ultimate attempt to save my UTS, or at least have a comparison machine for my observations, spare parts if this UTS is completely dead. I do not have the skills required to detect problems too complex in a purely academic way, past a certain stage, I am forced to find a reference machine so that my intuition carried by comparative tests can direct me towards the possible breakdown.

Concerning your firmware requests if I can help ... Note however that regarding my UTS, in the case of the program cartridge there are 8 eproms without supports, soldered to the card. In some case it should be physically difficult to dump these rom.

On 1/08/2017 17:41, Al Kossow via cctalk wrote:
They canceled my order as well, just after sending me a message wondering if I 
wanted the keyboard

I hope they just relist it

On the other hand, this isn't the same as your unit, the connectors on the back 
are in a different
place and I don't see the 9 pin keyboard connector so this may be a completely 
different design

I'm sort of annoyed because I bought a UTS 30 keyboard from someone else. It is 
a Keytronics inside, so
at least I'll dump the firmware in it.


For what it's worth, I've been seeing sellers cancel orders after the fact a 
LOT this year. It's really
annoying if it is one piece of something that I had to buy parts from other 
places to complete.

On 8/1/17 12:54 AM, Dominique Carlier via cctalk wrote:
Finally, a bad plan this Ebay ad.

After many unsuccessful attempts to repair my UTS and the growing fear that my 
problem is at the level of the EPROMs
inside the Program Cartridge, I finally decided to buy the UTS on Ebay.
Unfortunately the seller is the style to cancel a finalized, paid and marked as 
sent transaction, by invoking with Ebay
a "out of stock" reason.

The real reason? He thinks now he will be able to sell this old untested 
terminal that rotted in his juice for 20 years
without keyboard for ten times the price initially posted.
I hope I will see my money again.

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