On Wed, 2 Aug 2017, jim stephens wrote:
Legal / illegal and ebay in the same sentence doesn't make sense. They only want to make money, and don't care about either sellers or buyers.

Thanks god that I am not in the US, because here, even eBay has to follow local legislation. Or in other words, we have consumer rights, and a finished auction with bids implies a valid contract (between seller and buyer) that must be fulfilled, *even* in the case the seller cancels the auction with active bids (expect in cases where e.g. the matter was stolen etc.) . Best example is the case of one seller who deliberately put up an auction for a car with a starting bid of 1 Euro. He didn't want to accept the (only) bid at that price but instead, insisted on a much higher value. He (the seller) was convicted to pay the difference (several thousand euros) to the buyer because the sole fact that he put up the car at that low price doesn't voids the auction. On the contrary, it is the spirit and purpose of an auction to make a bargain (on the buyer's side) or to realize a higher price (for the seller).


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