On Fri, 2008-07-11 at 12:38 +0530, Eric Perera wrote:
> hi..
>      I think I have compiled packages with wrong compiler. so now I
> trying to compile it with  arm-wince-mingw32ce. but not sure which one
> should I used for this(Eg: arm-mingw32ce-cpp,arm-mingw32ce-gcc or else
> one ). 
> can someone help me to select compiler..

As is written on the cegcc website, the difference is in what you want
to compile.

If you want to compile a source that fully complies to the windows api,
then mingw32ce is the right option.

If you want to compile a source that has a bunch of unix-isms, then
cegcc is the right option.

I believe I saw use of errno and such in the source. This would be a
good reason to go to cegcc.

So what is the reason why you still have problems with cegcc ?


Danny Backx ; danny.backx - at - scarlet.be ; http://danny.backx.info

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