On Fri, 11 Jul 2008, Eric Perera wrote:

> hi..
>     I think I have compiled packages with wrong compiler. so now I trying
> to compile it with * arm-wince-mingw32ce. *but not sure which one should I
> used for this(Eg: arm-mingw32ce-cpp,arm-mingw32ce-gcc or else one ).
> can someone help me to select compiler..

i don't think that it's a compiler problem (btw, cpp is the preprocessor, 
if i'm not mistaken, so you should use arm-mingw32ce-gcc).

Did you read http://cegcc.sourceforge.net/docs/dll.html ?

if copying these files does not solve your problem, then you have to 
describe exactly it, otherwise how can we help you ?

Vincent Torri

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