now bin folder contains 2 shell script files and a few executable files.
just copying bin folder to \windows path , am I able to run the application?

what I am doing in UNIX system to run that application is to execute that
two shell scripts in command line. so how can I run those two scripts in
Windows CE?

On Fri, Jul 11, 2008 at 2:35 PM, Vincent Torri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Fri, 11 Jul 2008, Eric Perera wrote:
>       k, after compiling packages with(arm-cegcc-gcc), build files are in
>> two different directories (sphinxBase and pocketsphinx). Then I need to
>> test
>> it on simulator called windows mobile SDK 5.
>> after making sphinxBase, build files are in three different folders called
>> (sphinxbase/Bin ,lib and  include).
>> when executing make command for pocketSphinx, build files are in
>> directories
>> pocketSPhinx/bin, lib,include and share.
>> now tell me how I configure these directories and files into emulator and
>> run it.
> lib/ and include/ subdir are only for development. Forget them if you just
> want to use your program. About the 2 bin/ subdirs, well, put all the files
> in the same directory, it's not a problem. I didn't use the emulator, so i
> can't help you. But you maybe can put those files in \windows or another dir
> that is in the path.
> Vincent Torri
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