Dear @JonathanGregory ,

Thanks - I like you suggested text. The other attributes you mention might 
suggest different wording, though. My initial thoughts on those attributes:

I would say that `add_offset`, `scale_factor`, `valid _*`, `missing_value`, and 
`_FillValue` should **not** be inherited from a parent coordinate variable, 
because they relate only to packing and encoding choices which do not affect 
the physical interpretation of the bounds. These might reasonably be different 
to the parent coordinate variable, as the bounds can be much larger.

`compress` is trickier still, as whether or not it should be inherited depends 
on whether or not the bounds variable is compressed by gathering, or not (which 
reminds of I would 
say that it is also not inherited, so if the bounds variable are compressed by 
gathering then it carries its own `compress` attribute.

I reckon `cf_role` is inheritable, and should have the same value as the 
parent, if provided.

`bounds` and `nodes` are also non-inheritable, as all they do is name the 
bounds variable itself.

I think `geometry` is only specially defined for data variables (and so 
Appendix A has  defect in suggesting otherwise!)

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