Have a little compassion. Just do what you feel, post the freakin link and 
put an end to this....or post a link in your signature and then post some 
good cf-resources (sneaky)

At 05:11 PM 14/08/02 +0100, you wrote:
>Yep,  I think its awful that a child is abducted etc...... but I really
>think you will have better luck/reception on a different communty list.....
>I wouldnt start throwing banter about re: callous etc.... thats not on.....
>I use this list for teh CF knowledge (and some friendly evaluate abuse), but
>for anything else its just noise... thats what community lists are for...
>I am gonna delete any further ones with no read.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Gyrus [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: 14 August 2002 17:14
>To: CF-Talk
>Subject: Re: OT but Important Amber alert missing child should I post
>here ?
>For heaven's sake, post it. I live in the UK, so forget arguments about
>non-California residents. Not totally sure what an "Amber" alert is, but the
>missing child bit I get - top news story here is two girls missing for a
>Don't get me wrong, this list is great, great people, great resource. But
>the lack of attention that most people here pay to taking a little time in
>editing their posts - i.e. removing copies of original messages that are
>wholly redundant - sometimes makes me wonder about all the cumulative wasted
>bandwidth out there, let alone people without broadband, or people scanning
>through massive list digests.
>The first reply to this request already filled people's inboxes up with more
>mails than they would have got if the original poster had not been so
>considerate, and just post away. By now it's ridiculous - we're talking
>about a few KB of digital data in comparison with a child's life?!
>Sure, all lists need to keep on topic, and who draws the line, etc., but on
>this issue - please post the alert and pity those who get shirty at "their
>time being wasted" or "wasting list resources", and proceed to post with the
>previous 10 posts of the thread in their body text.
>- Gyrus
>work: http://www.tengai.co.uk
>play: http://www.norlonto.net
>- PGP key available
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