> > While I agree with you that Macromedia should support 
> > Apache 2.0 for CF 5, I disagree with your post. You 
> > seem to imply that a normal IT shop wouldn't want to 
> > upgrade to CFMX until after it matures for a couple of
> > years, yet you want to upgrade to Apache 2.0, which is 
> > certainly immature in comparison to Apache 1.3.
> Of course, the logical distinction is that an Apache upgrade 
> is free...

While that's true enough, it's irrelevant to Matt's argument. Apache 2 is
still relatively new and untested next to Apache 1.3.xx, so why would you
want to start using it if you're concerned about software maturity?

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444

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