> The MM Partners office informs me that
> MM has no plans to supply a mod_coldfusion.so
> for CF 5.0/Linux/Apache 2.0
> 'Not enough demand' they say.
> So know we know MM's policy on one-release-
> back support. They don't do what's right: they
> do what will not get them punished by losing
> too many customers.

>From the perspective of a profit-oriented company, isn't that what's right?
After all, if they do something like that for a small number of customers,
they're expending some effort that perhaps could be better spent on
something else. Personally, I'd rather see Axis 1.0 integration with CFMX -
I think that'll benefit more of their customers than CF 5 supporting Apache

> If you haven't picked the platform that's going to 
> be most popular, you're out of luck, and even if you 
> have, maybe you're out of luck anyway, and if you're 
> not prepared to keep churning through releases (rather 
> than maintaining existing release levels for several 
> years, as is normal I/T practice) you're out of luck.
> As such, MM has decided that Cold Fusion is the
> wrong choice for mission-critical business applications,
> because it will not have the kind of support that the
> I/T industry expects.

So, let me get this straight. Macromedia released CF 5. Later, Apache Group
released Apache 2. Macromedia released CFMX, which it's now selling instead
of CF 5. Macromedia isn't supporting the use of CF 5 with Apache 2, a
product which didn't exist when their (no longer current) product came out.
And this surprises you? And your conclusion is that this makes CF unfit for
"mission-critical business applications"? How many mission-critical
installations are going to switch from Apache 1.3.xx to Apache 2 on their
production servers, just because they can?

I can understand that you're not happy with their decision not to support
Apache 2. I can't understand why you attach this amount of significance to
it, considering that it's common for vendors not to support having their
product work with products that don't exist when they release their own
product. I'm having a hell of a time getting my DOS games to run in Windows
2000, by the way.

Oh, and before you mention "Fig Leaf's special relationship with
Macromedia", I wouldn't mind a bit if CF 5 supported Apache 2 on Linux as
well. I'm just not as surprised as you are that this isn't their priority.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444

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