Considered responses, both!

After discovering that flex has no backend db capability (RIA with
static data). i guess.

I looked again at Laszlo (damn I hate typing that) & what they do is:

1) use a jsp (or somesuch) ti issue the SQL dbquery
2) convert the query to XML (pay attention)
3) manipulate the XML within the Laszlo app (kidding, right)
4) send pure XML (or variation) to the client (still with me)
5) the client manipulates tis XML and generations data for the
Presentation layer (I am Joking, right)

Tell me that Flex doesn't follow the same model.


On Mar 29, 2004, at 6:06 PM, Barney Boisvert wrote:

> If you take a look at Flash Remoting Server, it's $999 for a single
> proc.
>  And yet CFMX Pro is $1399 for dual proc, and includes all the flash
> remoting
>  stuff.  We might all be pleasantly surprised to see that with CF 7 MM
>  decides to throw in a very potent Flex engine to help get market
>  penetration.  If people are so fixed on non-CF J2EE or .NET that they
> are
>  willing to spend $12K on Flex, it seems unlikely to me that they'll
> suddenly
>  decide to bail on that and switch to CF, so I don't know that MM
> would be
>  massively hurt in the enterprise sales area.
>  Of course, I'm a coke monkey, not a business guru, so who knows.  
>  Cheers,
>  barneyb
>  > -----Original Message-----
>  > From: Dave Carabetta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  > Sent: Monday, March 29, 2004 5:53 PM
>  > To: CF-Talk
>  > Subject: Re: Flex is out
>  >
>  > >After reading Ben's preso and paper I am beginning to
>  > understand where
>  > >Flex fits vis-a-avis CFMX --- but it would be a lot clearer
>  > if the flex
>  > >jsp taglibs were available to CFMX.
>  > >
>  > >I am beginning to think that we are trying to slice web
>  > application pie
>  > >into too many slices (communication. help apps, demos, PIAs (Poor
>  > >Internet/Interface Apps), yadda, yadda, yadda!
>  > >
>  > >Do we really need separate servers for all these different slices
> of
>  > >the same pie?
>  > >
>  >
>  > I don't think that we're slicing the "web application pie"
>  > into too many
>  > slices. I think Macromedia has made it abundantly clear that
>  > their vision of
>  > the internet's future centers around RIAs. Flex, in my mind,
>  > is their next
>  > logical step in that road map. They now have two products on
>  > the market that
>  > enterprise shops can look to to create two critical pieces of a web
>  > application -- the presentation and the business logic (let's
>  > leave the
>  > pricing aspect for another thread!).
>  >
>  > I think the current disconnect between Flex and CFMX is
>  > simply a result of
>  > completely different release cycles (obviously, since Flex
>  > never existed
>  > before today!). I would look for Blackstone (CF 7) to provide a more
>  > seamless integration of the CF/Flex libraries. My only
>  > hesitation with that
>  > is that I can only imagine what the integration of these two
>  > enterprise
>  > applications will mean to product pricing!!
>  >
>  > Regards,
>  > Dave.
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  >
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