PC Wroble said:
> Laszlo has changed their pricing/version model. For most of it's
> life they just had the Enterpise Edition which was out of reach of
> small guys. Just a few weeks ago they were selling the Professional
> Edition for $995 (or $999) and the Enterprise Edition for $2495 (or
> $2499). Last week they rebranded the Professional Edition as the
> Express Edition and changed the price to $1999 and you now have to
> call the for pricing on the Enterprise edition. They probably had a
> run on the Pro edition and realized they could get more for it plus
> they must of had wind of the Flex pricing.

Don't you love companies competing for your business :-)

> With the outrageous pricing of Flex and considering most of my
> clients are non-profits then Laszlo is for me.

I'm still waiting for Flex to show up in the Education store, but I
have little hope of the discount percentage being high enough to make
it affordable in the near future. That is too bad, but considering the
potential of Flex it would be silly to expect Macromedia to sell it
for the same price as Laszlo sells their products.

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