Exactly, while Flex is no doubt cool, it would be a tough sell convince a client to pony up $12K when UI development in either Flash or HTML would be far less than that.  Obviously, the pricing is enterprise level.

I have looked at Laszlo and wondered how it differs from Flex.  The answer's not obvious to me.  One area where it loses big time is brand awareness; Macromedia are synonymous with rich content delivery because of the Flash product line.  Since both Laszlo and Flex render XML code into Flash, what are the advantages of using Flex, when price is obviously not one of them.  

Also, I think we need to consider that even at the enterprise level, purchasing managers are conscious about costs.  Where is the point by point comparison about why companies should choose Flex versus Laszlo (and MS XAML, to come)?

Down here in the small development shops, we evangelize constantly on the strengths of ColdFusion versus competing technologies.  We're armed with the information and hard-earned experience to answer even the most skeptical critics.  So, naturally there's going to be disappointment about the Flex release.

Shifting topic, though, seems with their relationship, Sun ought to buy MM.  With MM's product suite, Sun's impressive enterprise platform and the hallowed status of Java, it would be a good combination.
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