Great!  Creating a virtual directory called "CFIDE" to the CFIDE folder
under the "Default Web Site" brought the richtext cftextara right up!

Was this complication caused by my using a webroot of "E:\inetpub\webroot"
other than the normal "C:\inetpub\wwwroot"?

I suspect so, but I definitely need a more authoritative opinion as to why
I needed the CFIDE virtual directory when I never have before.

Thanks, Dave!


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dave Watts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, December 14, 2007 11:40 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: What do I have to do to get toolbars to show in a cftextarea?
> > I'm running this on my local development machine, with IIS 5.
> >
> > Of all the places I could find to change/create mappings, I
> > couldn't find a reference in IIS 5 anywhere to a /CFIDE
> > mapping.  (Perhaps it needs to be added somewhere, which I've
> > never had to do before... but then, I've never changed my
> > webroot directory as I have, either)
> >
> > Can you tell me specifically where I should look for or
> > create the mapping or /CFIDE in IIS 5?  (And, to be sure, you
> > are talking about IIS 5?)
> Within the IIS Management Console, when you click on your virtual server,
> you should either see a physical directory for CFIDE or a virtual directory.
> Physical directories will appear as yellow folders, virtual directories will
> appear as yellow folders with a blue circle on one corner. If you don't have
> either, you'll need to create a virtual directory. You can do this by
> right-clicking on the virtual server in question, and choosing the "New
> Virtual Directory" option.
> And, I wasn't talking specifically about IIS 5 in my previous response.
> You'd have to do something similar with any other web server if you didn't
> have the CFIDE directory available from the web root.
> Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

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