@Jochem...unlikely that we'd have all 4 concurrent, but it's possible.
Probably not for long periods of time though. Mostly working from desks, but
I would be doing graphics work ala Photoshop and Flash, and screen real
estate is of crucial importance. I'd rather deal with the additional weight,
and size, of a 17" laptop than have to deal with a smaller screen.

@Jim/JJ...we could ask for MBPs (whether we get them or not, I'm not sure).
I will say that I'm considering it, but will likely stick with a PC because
of several small, but crucial, features that a PC has which OSX does not.

We'll proably be going with high end Dell XPS or Alienware machines. We'll
see though.

Thanks to everyone for their input.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jochem van Dieten [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, September 26, 2008 3:51 PM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: (ot) Best development laptop

Andy Matthews wrote:
> It's been suggested that the dev dept at our company (of which I am a
part) get rid of our desktop machines and replace them with laptops. I'd
like to run it past you guys and see what you thought about good, beefy
development machines.

How mobile is your team? Will they actually take their laptops somewhere or
will they just remain on a desk? If they are meant to be portable, don't go
beyond a 15.4" screen (and that is bad enough already).

> Here's a partial list of the things that would need to run on each
> * 2-4 concurrent instances of JVM (and ColdFusion) - a "sites" instance, a
"control panel" instance for our current code, and a sites, and control
instance for a new set of code we're developing.

4 concurrent instances is a lot. I may have 12 JRun and 2 JBoss instances on
my laptop, but I never run more then 2 at the same time.

> Can any of you recommend high quality laptops that meet these criteria?

If you want quality nothing beats a Lenovo Thinkpad. They have plenty of 
models that meet your performance requirements.


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