On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 6:02 PM, Sean Corfield <seancorfi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Ah, Mike, how long's it been since your last "ColdFusion is dead" post?
A very long time.   In the past i have joined discussions on this
topic, saying something along the lines that 'even if Adobe announced
the cancellation of the product, there would still be jobs around'.
I have never felt pessimistic about this line of work until now.

>> Contrast this with a few years ago when
>> freelancers like me had jobs lined up one behind the other.
> Contrast this with a few years ago when we weren't in the biggest
> recession since... when? WWII? The Great Depression?

The US and Europe might be, but Australia isnt.   We havent been hit
to anywhere near the extent that other countries have.   Yes we have a
down-turn, but not like elsewhere.

>> [B] There is next-to no apparent activity in the Usergroups on
>> coldfusion, at least as far as I've seen.  Everyone's fussing about
>> Flex and Flash and Railo and Ruby on Rails and no one's talking about
>> ColdFusion.
> OK, now you're the *fourth* person to say the same thing to me
> today... What is up with user groups that I'm hearing this so much
> lately?

My point about the UGs is that my feeling (which i keep saying i hope
is wrong) is that CF is cold now and even developers arent talking
much about it.  Instead talking about Flex, Ajax, Flash,  other stuff.
   I get the impression you dont talk about CF any where near as much
as you used to, Sean.

>> [C]  Adobe dont seem to be doing anything to promote ColdFusion here.
> That's been a long-standing complaint since the Macromedia days
> "{insert country here} gets no love". Adobe added a European
> specialist (Claude Englebert) and were looking at how best to support
> the APAC market - but these are not simple problems to solve and there
> is no unlimited marketing budget.

Never said there was.   But as things get harder for me,  I look for
signs that might tell me what I ought to do about it.   Should I hang
in with CF or maybe do something else?     And one of the worries i
have that I hope someone will prove is foundless, is that the
impression I get is that Adobe arent promoting ColdFusion much in
Australia.    I had an Adobe guy tell me a while back "we're in the
IDE and Development Tool business  not the server business.  I dont
know why we have ColdFusion at all."    That was a bit disquieting at
the time, and I wonder . what if that feeling was widespread in Adobe?
   What if they start seeing CF as an orphan?

>> Boy i hope I'm wrong!
> You are :)
Good then!

> The pool of CFers is constantly growing. Rates are still higher for
> CFers than most other web technologies. There are more CFML
> conferences and events than ever.

There is an extra CF conference here in 2009, but i dont see evidence
of the rest.   Rate pressure down more,   fewer jobs than ever before.

Mike Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
Adobe Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
AFP Webworks
ColdFusion, PHP, ASP, ASP.NET hosting from AUD$15/mon

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