>>I am currently using Homesite+ for my IDE a

I made that leap a couple of years ago. This is my rig that I have been
tweeking for the last couple of years and the "what and why" of what I use
for CF/Web work.

One thing to remember with Eclipse. More Plugins = More ram. I also make it
a habit to jack up the RAM allotted to Eclipse from 256 megs to 512 in the
eclipse.ini file. This will speed things up considerably.

I start off with the PHP Eclipse distro because, well, I work with PHP a
lot. But even if I didn't, it has a lot of the basic tools I use for web
dev. Like support for XAMPP, Mysql etc

Then I add the Aptana plugin and add it's plugins for Ajax, SVN, AIR support
and what ever tickles my fancy at that moment. Some people are very vocal
against Aptana (I mean some people just flat out despise it) . It has a
nasty habit of firing up it's start up page every time you load it.  You can
turn this off by going to:

Window > Preferences >Aapata > Start up page >> and disable the start up

If you ask me, Aptana is fantastic for working with (X)HTML, CSS, JS, Ajax,
and in particular it's jQuery/JS support. It provides auto suggest, auto
complete and inline help CSS, html, JS including all of the major AJAX/JS
libraries as well as (inspection) for your own custom JS Libraries (and help
as long as you document them). I really like it's CSS editor a lot.

Then I add the Adobe CF 8.1 plugins and plop the CF 8.1 docs in the Plugins
folder for good measure.

Then Finally I install CFEclipse.

I also Use XMLBuddy a lot because, well, I like it.

Good luck.


On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 9:23 PM, Terry Troxel <te...@it-werks.com> wrote:

> I do not want to start a flame here, just get some information to help me
> make a decision.
> I am using CF8 and not yet ready for CF9. I am currently using Homesite+
> for
> my IDE and would like to know what the requirements are for installing
> Eclipse and CFEclipse on my 32 bit dual core laptop w/3 gigs of ram.
> I do not know anyone who is currently using it which is why I am asking
> here. I do not do any Java programming at all and am planning on using it
> to
> replace Homesite if that is possible and maybe get some advise from all of
> you.
> If you recommend Eclipse, which package and other plugins do I need as
> well?
> Terry

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