On Mon, Mar 22, 2010 at 10:59 AM, Eric Roberts <
ow...@threeravensconsulting.com> wrote:

> The issue is that it is a plugin, not a full IDE...Eclipse already provides
> the IDE and that is free.  If this was a package that they developed on
> there own like DW...then that would be different.  Even so, they should be
> encouraging developers, since we are the ones doing their marketing work
> for
> them so that we will encourage our employers and clients to use CF.

I'm going to go ahead and disagree with the fact that it being a plugin for
an existing framework should have any bearing on the cost.

The cost has to do with Adobe being a publicly traded company needing to
generate revenue and hopefully post a profit.  The cost would therefore more
likely be based on the amount of effort (time/money) involved in developing
(research, planning, developing, testing, marketing) the product.

I build web sites on existing frameworks (Model-Glue or ColdBox).  I don't
charge less money.  I charge for the time I spend, and the rate is something
that I calculate that makes the time I spend working (and away from my
family) worth the effort.

By building it on top of Eclipse, Adobe is giving you the flexibility to
extend the IDE to fit your needs by installing any number of the hundreds of
existing plugins.  I think that's a good move for most (again, bearing in
mind you can't please everybody).

I also think their move to bundle CFBuilder with FlashBuilder -is-
encouraging developers.  It's encouraging me to make the foray into Flex,
which is something that I've wanted to do for a while now.  It will likely
also encourage Flex developers (who may be using PHP on the server) to take
a look at ColdFusion.  I get that it doesn't encourage you, and I'm
genuinely sorry to hear that.  Again tho, it falls into the bucket of "ain't
gonna please everybody".

I think these types of discussions in general would be far more productive
if people would keep that in mind.  It may not work for you... but it may
very well work for a majority of others.  Saying, as Justin did, "it doesn't
work for me" is far less provoking than, "man, Adobe WTF?  What are you guys

Again, if it doesn't work for you (and by "you", I mean anybody who shares
your sentiment), and cfeclipse does... I'd suggest that you be grateful that
a project like cfeclipse exists.  It was suggested on their mailing list
that those who fit into that category maybe take some fo the $ that they're
-not- spending on CFBuilder and donate it to cfeclipse.  Or, as was also
suggested on their list, donate your time in helping out the project
(doesn't have to be with actually coding the IDE, but maintaining the web
site, etc).

Charlie Griefer

I have failed as much as I have succeeded. But I love my life. I love my
wife. And I wish you my kind of success.

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