> I think this is evidence supporting my supposition that Adobe
> has priced this product too high...$50, I think, would be low, $99
> about right, but getting it, basically, for $50 if I agree to buy
> FlashBuilder is an indicator of what Adobe feels it's true value is, perhaps.

This only supports that they've priced it too high for you. And that's
fine. But to extend this to everyone else is not so fine, in the same
way that it wouldn't be appropriate for me to dictate your hourly

> If they want to sell more licenses, give the IDE away and compete
> more aggressively with those that use free tools and servers all the time.
> Their shareholder's greed (which has been offered as the reason for the high
> price of CFB several times) to make money at *every* turn will be their 
> downfall
> in the end.

You know, this is what software companies do, right? They SELL
SOFTWARE. This isn't a matter of greed any more than it is when you
sell your own services. If you discovered tomorrow that it's no longer
profitable to do what you're doing, you'd presumably do something

Some companies have different pricing models than others. Some
companies give away products and sell related services (support,
implementation). That doesn't seem viable to me for CF Builder. Other
companies have loss-leader products that they use to boost sales of
other products: Microsoft, for example, really just sells Windows and
Office, and almost everything else is a way to sell Windows and Office
licenses. Maybe you think that's what Adobe should be doing, they
obviously disagree. But none of these companies are doing what they do
for any other reason except to make a profit. That's what successful
companies do. They aren't charities.

> We now have free CF servers (which I'd be using if I couldn't get a great
> VPS at a reasonable price)and free CF Coding tools which are, for me at least,
> on par with CFB for the functionality I use.

Then use them! But don't think that you know Adobe's business better
than they do.

> When others start investing serious time and effort, if not money, into
> developing completing products that are offered for free to compete against
> a company's offerings, that's an indication to me there's a problem with the
> company and what's it turning out.

This is clearly why Microsoft and Apple went out of business after
Linux took over the desktop.

> I just can't figure out whether this bundling deal is an effort to get more
> copies of FB or CB out the door.

ColdFusion is the perfect complement to Flash developers, although
many don't know it. It has built-in remoting, and ties into
LCDS/BlazeDS very nicely. And Flex development is a good approach for
many CF applications. So it doesn't necessarily have anything to do
with getting more copies of X out the door.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

Fig Leaf Software is a Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB) on
GSA Schedule, and provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
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