I think that cfdot.net looks excellent. Thank you for doing this for both
the CF and ASP.NET community's.

I prefer C# over Visual Basic because of two reasons.

1. C# Has More Jobs available
http://www.careerbuilder.com/Jobseeker/Jobs/JobResults.aspx?SB%3Asbkw=C%23 -
2,399 jobs found
+Basic - 1,568 jobs found

2. On average C# developers make more money.
        a. http://www.indeed.com/salary/VB-Net-Developer.html
        b. http://www.indeed.com/salary?q1=C%23+Developer

Paul Alkema

-----Original Message-----
From: C. Hatton Humphrey [mailto:chumph...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 2010 8:16 PM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: cfdot.net (was: CF vs. ASP.Net)

> Im not trying to nitpick, I only noticed them (except for Coldfusion...
> usually stands out to me) because I sent the link to my colleagues along
> with the text from the home page as a description for the link.

Two things that bug me -

1. It's C# which is one code-behind language for .NET.  I have yet to
have someone give me a quantifiable performance-based reason why it
better than other languages in the family.

2. The ".NET" version does not include the "ASP.NET" part of the
equation.  For example:
http://www.cfdot.net/cfdot/Pages/CodeDetail.aspx?id=7 (CFOutput) the
.NET code is simply setting the .Text property of a text box.  Where's
the creation of the object?

It's a great concept but as implemented it only confuses the whole "CF
vs .NET" conversation.


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