Actually, the siute is dishonest, not necessarily the person.  Apologies for 
the harsh wording.

My judgment still stands.  It doesn't matter why it's wrong, it's still 
misrepresenting one side.

No flame wars needed.

>Calling him dishonest is very short sighted on your part (to say the 
>least!).  Has the thought occurred to you that perhaps the reason there 
>was so much extra code in the .Net example was because he's not a 
>seasoned .Net developer?  I know I certainly wouldn't know the absolute 
>best way to do something when just transferring over to a new language.  
>I'm willing to bet there are many seasoned .Net developers who would 
>make plenty of rookie mistakes when just starting out with CF. 
>Perhaps instead of jumping to conclusions and making accusations, you 
>should offer to help him clean up his examples so they are more accurate. 
>Eric Cobb
>ECAR Technologies, LLC
>Matthew Small wrote:

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