> The last thing I will say is that you're wrong about the FOSS alternatives as 
> direct competitors.
> AS I mentioned in my original posting I recently worked on 3 separate sites 
> that started off
> using open source alternatives as the CFML engine. In each case after a year 
> the owners
> wanted to expand the services and use features that were not available. While 
> I could have
> spent quite a few hours working on a fix, it was faster and cheaper for the 
> clients to step up to
> Adobe CF. The result was 3 sales that Adobe never would have had otherwise.

The problem with anecdotal evidence is ... it's anecdotal.

For those three conversions, how many cases exist where someone
doesn't buy CF but continues to use an F/OSS solution instead? I don't
know the answer to that question, but unless you do, and you know it's
fewer than three, you can't really dispute Adam's claims.

Just because they're similar products, and someone could switch from
one to the other, doesn't mean they're not direct competitors. In
fact, that's pretty much the textbook example of direct competition.

I suspect that Adam is in a better position than most of us to
identify purchasing trends and patterns for CF. At least, I'd hope so,
since that's his job.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

Fig Leaf Software is a Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB) on
GSA Schedule, and provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
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