Have you tried the forums at www.sqlservercentral.com?
They have a whole category for SQL Server 2005 Integration Services.
Note - you need a (free) account to view the forums, but I've found them to be excellent in the past.

On 3/10/06, Mike Kear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Has anyone succeeded in uploading databases to SQLServer2005 yet?   
I have the SQLServer2005 package we were given by Microsoft at WebDU, and I've installed it, and I"m wading through the tutorials and help files, but in typical MS fashion, they arent simple step-by-steps, they are a series of links from one place to another saying "to find out more see xxxxx" so after a very short while I'm bamboozled by one link after another leading me through a maze, and not being able to find my way back to where i really wanted to be.
I've googled for tutorials on SSIS (the new name for DTS) and as far as I can see there arent any that describe how to automate getting a set fo tables from one instance of SQLServer2005 to another.  Plenty on importing and exporting from flat files, xml,  but not transferring databases.
Doesnt anyone else do this?   I would have thought it was a common thing to do. 
All i want to do is copy my tables from my dev machine to the host machine.    I want to copy the indexes, keys, foreign keys, dependencies, views, stored procs etc as well, but that was all taken care of by DTS in the old SQLServer2000.    I could make a package quite simply, and every time i needed ot upload or download a database, just execute the package and bingo.    
How come it's so damned hard now?   Can anyone either show me what i"m missing here or point me to a tutorial (not Microsoft's  - i've seen all theirs and I'm no wiser than i was at the start - after getting to part 9 i stil dont know if i can automate uploading databases or not)

Mike Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
AFP Webworks


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