Have a listen to the podcast on

    -> Vince Bonfanti - Open Source BlueDragon
    -> coming soon Gert Franz from Railo Technologies

They have a few things to say about promoting CFML to the web community at

On Tue, Apr 8, 2008 at 8:39 AM, barry.b <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > For almost 13 years
> Here! here! Michael. exactly the case. Tales of the demise seem
> grossly exagerated...
> I've got a few different skills under my belt, but I have absolutely
> no embarrisment that CF is featured amongst them**
> in fact, thanks to things like AIR and Flex, with support of the LCDS
> products, Adobe are finally starting to get a solid technology
> "stack" (top to bottom) happening. And CF riding on the coat-tails.
> (I overheard a PHP'er complaining that all the Flex examples were only
> written for CF - they obviously didn't look hard enough but also
> didn't like the shoe being on the other foot...)
> I can appreciate people moving larger apps to Java and whatnot but
> geez I feel much safer with CF skills than, say, Progress or Delphi
> or ...
> maybe I should have taken M@'s suggestion and pointed out the irony of
> the situation...?
> "I think the general feeling is that CF in Australia is on the way
> out.
> But for us that keep up to that on the global front know that it will
> be here to stay."
> I'm suggesting it's only a "feeling", not being realised by the actual
> situation.
> but I do (first hand) see some shifts in the teaching of I.T generally
> and Digital Media specifically. Enrollments in Australia are falling
> and yet they're expanding (bigtime) in Europe (and the US if FullSail
> is any guide).
> meh, I'm not worried. the world is full of Chicken Little's...
> b
> ** obviously not needing a spell checker isn't one of them...
> On Apr 8, 9:55 am, "Michael Dinowitz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > For almost 13 years
> >
> > On Mon, Apr 7, 2008 at 7:53 PM, Detect <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > > Isn't CF in a constant state of being "on the way out"?- Hide quoted
> text -
> >
> > - Show quoted text -
> >


AJ Mercer
Web Log: http://webonix.net

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