Okay, I've installed it in /opt/jrun4.  There's still a delay at that
point, but it's not quite as bad.

I'd really like to know what's going on there - can anyone shed any
light on what happens with the MessageBrokerServlet and CFFormGateway

03/29 10:50:44 Information [scheduler-11] - Starting eventgateway...
03/29 10:50:44 Information [scheduler-11] - Starting Event Backend
03/29 10:50:44 Information [scheduler-11] - Initialized
EventRequestDispatcher with a Thread Pool size of 1.
03/29 10:50:44 Information [scheduler-11] - Initializing
03/29 10:50:44 Information [scheduler-11] - Starting Event Gateways.
03/29 10:50:44 Information [scheduler-11] - Starting FlexAssembler...
03/29 10:50:44 Information [scheduler-11] - Starting .NET...
03/29 10:50:44 Information [scheduler-11] - Starting Monitoring...
03/29 10:50:44 Information [scheduler-11] - ColdFusion started
29/03 10:50:44 user ColdFusionStartUpServlet: ColdFusion: application
services are now available
29/03 10:50:44 user CFMxmlServlet: init
29/03 10:50:44 user CFMxmlServlet: Macromedia Flex Build: 87315.134646
29/03 10:50:44 INFO Macromedia Flex Build: 87315.134646
29/03 10:50:45 user CFSwfServlet: init
29/03 10:50:45 user CFCServlet: init
29/03 10:50:46 user FlashGateway: init
29/03 10:50:46 user MessageBrokerServlet: init
29/03 10:51:32 user CFFormGateway: init
29/03 10:51:32 user CFInternalServlet: init
29/03 10:51:32 user WSRPProducer: init
29/03 10:51:33 user ServerCFCServlet: init
29/03 10:51:33 info Deploying enterprise application "JRun 4.0
Internal J2EE Components" from: file:/opt/jrun4/lib/jrun-comp.ear
29/03 10:51:33 info Deploying EJB "JRunSQLInvoker" from: file:/opt/
Server cfusion ready (startup time: 56 seconds)

On Mar 28, 3:08 pm, Kai Koenig <k...@koeni.de> wrote:
> Hi Andrew,
> > Thanks - I think this is worth following up.  I also installed jrun on
> > the SAN although I wasn't sure if this was the right thing to do and
> > the more I read about it the more I think maybe it isn't good
> > practice?
> ...
> > Generally speaking is the SAN an appropriate place for web resources?
> > This is where my host has allocated all my web space.
> I can't really speak for the general public and overall best practices on 
> that, but one common reason for using a SAN (for me) is having for instance a 
> cluster of CF servers dealing with the same template/CFC/assets on the SAN. 
> In those instances I would always install Jrun/CF on the local machine resp a 
> local disk and refer to the SAN for the webroot/cfroot etc.
> Also what I found with SANs (particular in hosting environments) is that the 
> performance you get _dramatically_ varies depending on the connection (LAN, 
> Fibre etc) and on what the other users of the SAN are doing. Real scenario 
> that happened to one of my clients a while ago: another SAN users was running 
> DB backups at a fixed time of the day. At the same time the overall SAN 
> performance decreased so much that all of the CF servers delivering files had 
> issues and we got significant performance issues on the web front end. 
> SAN/Virtualisiation etc. is fine - but one still shares resources and 
> sometimes weird stuff happens.
> Kai
> --
> Kai Koenig - Ventego Creative Ltd
> ph: +64 4 476 6781 - mob: +64 21 928 365 /  +61 450 132 117
> web:http://www.ventego-creative.co.nz
> blog:http://www.bloginblack.de
> twitter:http://www.twitter.com/agentK
> Hands-on Regular Expression training @ webDU 
> 2010http://bloginblack.de/agentk/workshop-befriending-regular-expressions/
> Hands-on Flash Catalyst and Flex 4 training @ Webinale 
> 2010http://bloginblack.de/agentk/workshop-rias-with-flash-catalyst-and-fl...
> --

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