I haven't used FB since version 2 or 3, which was so long ago I don't think color had been invented yet, but my understanding of current-day FB is that it is a procedural framework and Model-Glue and Mach-II are object-oriented frameworks.  They all implement the MVC pattern but FB does it with .cfm files and MG and MII with CFCs.
What does that mean for you and your app?  If you are using a lot of CFCs in your app it might be more natural to use one of the OO based frameworks, but if you are trying to leverage a lot of existing FB query modules it might make more sense to stick with what you know.  From personal experience I can say that it is VERY easy to use ColdSpring and Reactor within a MG app, and I am feeling a LOT more productive with that setup than I was without.
If you are interested in adopting a more object-oriented approach to software development in general (and CF in particular) I highly recommend using Model-Glue or Mach-II.
On 1/30/06, Nick Tong - TalkWebSolutions.co.uk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Being a FB developer I'm toying with the idea of playing around with
Model-glue and thought that I'd quickly look up on the web a typically
versus scenario but I found nothing.  I was wondering if someone could
quickly tap out a few lines as to the pros and cons.

Nick Tong
Managing Director

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