
As Barney points out, the Fusebox framework itself is procedural, but it should also be pointed out that Fusebox supports OO model development (both indirectly and directly using ad hoc XML verbs) as well as procedural. Should you be uncomfortable with, or else have reservations about a full-on OO approach to building your Web apps, Fusebox will still give you the very real organizational benefits of MVC structure governed by an XML controller.

Some people find that an XML-controlled model and view is plenty enough 'framework' and are happy with the degree of organization and structure it brings. Others decide that the complexity of a typical business model warrants at least a CFC-based model. Of course, some go the whole hog and plumb for Model-Glue or Mach-II. Fusebox allows you to fully avail yourself of the first two approaches and a well-designed Fusebox app will also give you both a model components and views that should be very easy to re-purpose into Mach-II or MG at a future date, if desired.

Fusebox may also be a good fit if you work in an environment where not all of your coders/developers/customers are comfortable with OO coding.

Finally, just to echo the other posters, Sean Corfields's framework comparison really is indispensable for comparing the fundamentals of the big three frameworks.


Nick Tong - wrote:
Seth - thanks very much for you quick responce.

I do think that the CF community is moving towards the darkside (
sorry OO ) so i think it's time to move over and get involved.

Thanks again.

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