Fusebox is procedural, Model-Glue is OO (-ish).  Both are UI
frameworks, though FB can be used for whole app development.  Both use
XML to architect apps.  FB is probably more widely used, though MG's
got a lot of momentum behind it.

Best bet is to familiarize yourself with both, so you can pick the one
that best suits each app.


On 1/30/06, Nick Tong - TalkWebSolutions.co.uk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Being a FB developer I'm toying with the idea of playing around with
> Model-glue and thought that I'd quickly look up on the web a typically
> versus scenario but I found nothing.  I was wondering if someone could
> quickly tap out a few lines as to the pros and cons.
> Thanks
> --
> Nick Tong

Barney Boisvert

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