On 1/30/06, Brent Nicholas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> All -
> I'm building a list of frameworks to study up on and (gasp) maybe build a
> features matrix, but primarily get familiar so I know how to identify when
> to use which framework.
> Thus far I have:
> FuseBox
> ColdSpring
> MachII
> Model-Glue
> Tartan
> Am I missing any majors that people know of?

Sean Corfield does an excellent job in his frameworks presentation of
covering the major variations. His blog in general is a treasure trove
for this type of information:


and his frameworks talk specifically is at:


Also (and I promise I don't work for Sean, so this isn't some
marketing e-mail I'm doing for him!), he's going around doing a new
talk on on Objects and Persistence at various CFUGs and CFUNITED that
covers things like Arf!, Reactor, etc.

I only point all of this out because he's done a tremendous amount of
"leg work" for you already on this subject, and while you should
always do your own research, it's always nice to have a base level of
information to start with.

Hope this helps?


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