Seth - thanks very much for you quick responce.

I do think that the CF community is moving towards the darkside (
sorry OO ) so i think it's time to move over and get involved.

Thanks again.

On 30/01/06, Seth Petry-Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I haven't used FB since version 2 or 3, which was so long ago I don't think
> color had been invented yet, but my understanding of current-day FB is that
> it is a procedural framework and Model-Glue and Mach-II are object-oriented
> frameworks.  They all implement the MVC pattern but FB does it with .cfm
> files and MG and MII with CFCs.
> What does that mean for you and your app?  If you are using a lot of CFCs in
> your app it might be more natural to use one of the OO based frameworks, but
> if you are trying to leverage a lot of existing FB query modules it might
> make more sense to stick with what you know.  From personal experience I can
> say that it is VERY easy to use ColdSpring and Reactor within a MG app, and
> I am feeling a LOT more productive with that setup than I was without.
> If you are interested in adopting a more object-oriented approach to
> software development in general (and CF in particular) I highly recommend
> using Model-Glue or Mach-II.
> HTH,
> Seth
> On 1/30/06, Nick Tong - <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Being a FB developer I'm toying with the idea of playing around with
> > Model-glue and thought that I'd quickly look up on the web a typically
> > versus scenario but I found nothing.  I was wondering if someone could
> > quickly tap out a few lines as to the pros and cons.
> >
> > Thanks
> > --
> > Nick Tong
> > Managing Director
> >
> >
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