
Well you just pwnt my vocabulary with the word "pwnt" (google to the rescue ;)

I'm no expert by any means. I've just been looking at how our systems works, as 
well as some of the alternatives, and thinking about how to best address what I 
will generously call "difficiencies"  ;-)  

>The most common actions I have to perform (to date) are:
>does this file  exist in the database?
>list all the files in  folder?

>I have also totally ignored the possibility (for now) of a tree change 
>(pun intended) but figure a well placed '%' in an UPDATE LIKE statement 
>should work.

Thats very similar to our system. The most common operation is also viewing a 
single folder level. The main difference is that it supports moving folders. 

Using a parent/child structure like


makes a move operation very simple. The downside (and its a biggie) is that 
viewing a section of a tree (like a folder and all of its subfolders) cannot be 
done easily. It requires recursion or iteration.  

You solved that problem by using FolderPath. I think its an elegant solution as 
long its kept up to date.  From what I can see the only downside is that moves 
or tree changes require updating more than one row.  You have to do the same 
thing with other models (like nested sets). But that's just the nature of the 
beast. You sacrifice a bit of performance in one area to gain performance 
and/or maintenance benefits in another. Of course almost anything is better 
than a parent/child structure alone ;-)

>It would be interesting to put together a quick list of functions:

If I get a chance I'll try and put something up from our system. Its mostly 
stored procedures. I would be interested in seeing a similar list for other 


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