On 5/5/07, Andrew Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Well, in a sense.

but what about


where arg1 = any


where arg1 = any and arg2 = boolean

<cffunction name="methodName">
 <cfargument name="arg1" type="any">
 <cfargument name="arg2" type="boolean" required="false">
 <cfif structKeyExists(arguments,"arg2")>
   ... behave in one way ...
   ... behave in a different way ...

Believe it or not, I strongly believe coldfusion needs to be more typecast..
And grow up to be more of a great language. it would be so damn nice...

The temptation to say "Why don't you grow up and use another
language?" is overwhelming :)

Seriously tho', Java is there if you want strong typing - and you can
drop Java components straight into CF. Also, if you look around at
some of the other "great" languages out there, you'll see they don't
have method overloading either...

Dynamic languages cannot have method overloading. That doesn't mean
dynamic languages are not "great"...
Sean A Corfield -- (904) 302-SEAN
An Architect's View -- http://corfield.org/

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-- Margaret Atwood

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