On 5/6/07 10:47 AM, "Sammy Larbi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I don't know where this inferiority complex comes from, but its seems to
> persist in the CF community. I know I used to feel it, but I don't any
> more. 

I think from CF'ers who've heard of other languages (or from advocates of
other languages) but not really researched their pros and cons or worked
with them on non-trivial projects. In my experience the CF'ers who've
actually coded for real in other languages may miss closures or blocks, but
they don't miss static typing unless they work in larger teams or on larger
projects where the benefits of the "paperwork" outweigh the joy of RAD

I get where you could miss method overloading if you've got used to it but I
was never a huge fan of it as I found it to be confusing sometimes where you
have inheritance trees with methods with the same name as you'd THINK you
had found the right method but wouldn't have (because you'd found the one
which takes an int and a string, not the one that takes two ints). Of
course, if I'd been using a real IDE that wouldn't have been such a problem
. . .

Anyhow, CF is a templating language with scripting support and a great set
of libraries for RAD'ing glue code. No language can be everything to
everyone. CF is great at what it is great at. Works for me.

Best Wishes,

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