Thank you for fast reply,

Sorry for bothering you again. I am missing something in this huge project.
I cannot understand why both functions: cli_ac_scanbuff and
cli_ac_scanbuff are called in one cli_scandesc() function call.
I just have one signature in database and for me it was obvious that
file will be scanned once using AC or BM. But both algorithms are
used. Have a look below:

Here is output:
groot->maxpatlen: 24

troot->ac_only IN TROOT!!!1

groot->ac_only IN GROOT!!!0
from this code:
if(troot) {printf("\ntroot->ac_only IN TROOT!!!%d \n",troot->ac_only);
            if(troot->ac_only || (ret = cli_bm_scanbuff(upt, length,
ctx->virname, troot, offset, ftype, desc)) != CL_VIRUS)
                ret = cli_ac_scanbuff(upt, length, ctx->virname, NULL, NULL, 
&tdata, offset, ftype, desc, ftoffset, acmode, NULL);
        printf("\nRET IN TROOT!!!%d \n", ret);
            if(ret == CL_VIRUS) {
                    return CL_VIRUS;

        if(!ftonly) {printf("\ngroot->ac_only IN GROOT!!!%d \n",groot->ac_only);
            if(groot->ac_only || (ret = cli_bm_scanbuff(upt, length,
ctx->virname, groot, offset, ftype, desc)) != CL_VIRUS)
                ret = cli_ac_scanbuff(upt, length, ctx->virname, NULL, NULL, 
&gdata, offset, ftype, desc, ftoffset, acmode, NULL);
        printf("\nRET IN GROOT!!!%d \n", ret);
            if(ret == CL_VIRUS) {

Maybe there is something magic with groot & troot but they are just
pointing to cli_matcher struct.

struct cli_matcher *groot = NULL, *troot = NULL;

struct cli_matcher {
    /* Extended Boyer-Moore */
    uint8_t *bm_shift;
    struct cli_bm_patt **bm_suffix;
    struct hashset md5_sizes_hs;
    uint32_t *soff, soff_len; /* for PE section sigs */
    uint32_t bm_patterns;

    /* Extended Aho-Corasick */
    uint32_t ac_partsigs, ac_nodes, ac_patterns, ac_lsigs;
    struct cli_ac_lsig **ac_lsigtable;
    struct cli_ac_node *ac_root, **ac_nodetable;
    struct cli_ac_patt **ac_pattable;
    uint8_t ac_mindepth, ac_maxdepth;

    uint16_t maxpatlen;
    uint8_t ac_only;

Am I missing something?
Best Regards,

On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 5:00 PM, Török Edwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 2008-12-09 18:51, Thomasz Blaszczyk wrote:
>> Thank you for answer,
>> I have another question. I cannot figure out meaning for ftonly and troot.
>> Can I get some explanation for this 2 variables?
>> They are used in matcher.c [code snipped]:
>> if(!ftonly && (ret = cli_ac_initdata(&gdata, groot->ac_partsigs,
>> groot->ac_lsigs, AC_DEFAULT_TRACKLEN)))
>>       return ret;
> ft stands for filetype.
>>     if(troot) {
>>       if((ret = cli_ac_initdata(&tdata, troot->ac_partsigs,
>> troot->ac_lsigs, AC_DEFAULT_TRACKLEN)))
>>           return ret;
>>     }
> Look at signatures.pdf again, in the .ndb format each pattern has a
> TargetType field, hence a different trie is used for each type.
> As for groot, there is a comment explaining what it is:
> groot = ctx->engine->root[0]; /* generic signatures */
> Best regards,
> --Edwin
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