On Sat, 14 May 2005, Robert Stampfli wrote:

clamav-milter does not have its own config file, so it steals information from clamd.conf, and it now requires LogFile to be defined there, even though it uses syslogging by default.

So, it appears I'm left with having to use a logfile for clamd,
to keep clamav-milter happy, plus syslogging to get clamav-milter

I believe that is a bug that was introduced in 0.85 and has already been fixed in CVS. This is one of the many reasons my core servers are still running 0.83.

Damian Menscher
-=#| Physics Grad Student & SysAdmin @ U Illinois Urbana-Champaign |#=-
-=#| 488 LLP, 1110 W. Green St, Urbana, IL 61801 Ofc:(217)333-0038 |#=-
-=#| 4602 Beckman, VMIL/MS, Imaging Technology Group:(217)244-3074 |#=-
-=#| <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> www.uiuc.edu/~menscher/ Fax:(217)333-9819 |#=-
-=#| The above opinions are not necessarily those of my employers. |#=-

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