On Fri, Aug 08, 2008 at 09:25:19AM -0400, David F. Skoll wrote:
> > I am under the opinion that a message should never
> > be silently blackholed.
> I used to share that opinion, but no longer do for viruses.  If you
> turn off Clam's dubious Phishing options, the odds of a false-positive
> from Clam are very low.  In that situation, there is no point in rejecting;
> it's better to silently discard.

I agree with David: it's better to discard a virus, than reject it
just because the sending server has a slightly worse virus scanner,
or hasn't received the signature updates yet.

But I'm more paranoid: We only discard when _2_ independant scanners
say it's a virus.

Otherwise, we used to tempfail, but nowadays it's not worth the bother,
and we just reject for single virus scanner hits. That's a measly few
percent of the already insignificant amount of email viruses (we don't
count phishes as a virus, they add to the score in SA).

Jan-Pieter Cornet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
!! Disclamer: The addressee of this email is not the intended recipient. !!
!! This is only a test of the echelon and data retention systems. Please !!
!! archive this message indefinitely to allow verification of the logs.  !!
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