David F. Skoll wrote:
>> No, is is trivial for anyone to forge "mail from" headers but that is
>> irrelevant when virus filtering is done at the SMTP level.  You don't
>> send the rejection to the address in the "mail from."  You send the
>> rejection to the server/client that sent you the message because the
>> SMTP conversation is still going on and you know exactly who is trying
>> to feed it to you.
> :-)
> I see.  So you actually do believe it's impossible to forge SMTP envelope
> information?  See, I have this bridge for sale...

No, I did not say that.  I said it was trivial.  I am just pointing out that
it is irrelevant while the SMTP conversation is still going on.  It is
impossible(mostly) to forge the IP the message is being sent from if there
is a live SMTP conversation going on and while that conversation is going
on you know exactly what is sending you the garbage and you know exactly
what to tell you don't want it.  There is zero backscatter.

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