David F. Skoll wrote:
>>> Which is why I qualified my reply with "if the sending relay is a valid
>>> SMTP client."
>> Maybe we are just arguing semantics but anything that connects to
>> my mail server and speaks RFC821 is valid.  I might not like what
>> it feeds me but that is what ClamAV/SpamAssassin is for. :)
> OK, let me be precise:  By "valid SMTP client", I mean one that
> generates a DSN in response to a 5xx status code.

Fair enough.

>> Then even in the unlikely event of a false positive the sender
>> knows.
> This is so unlikely that the backscatter risk outweighs the benefit.

I have had it happen.  When messages mysteriously go missing
and people call me asking where it went I can be rest assured
saying that if something was rejected somewhere they should have
received a bounce.  It makes things easier to debug when there
is feedback.

What backscatter?  If done at SMTP the only person that should be
notified is the sender.  If that sender goes and does something
stupid with my rejection then that is the senders problem.
Otherwise there is zero backscatter.

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