On Fri, 8 Aug 2008, David F. Skoll wrote:
> G.W. Haywood wrote:
> > You're making a rod for your own back if you accept bad mail.  The
> > sender will sell the recipients' addresses to all his spammer friends
> > and you'll just get more of it.
> In my experience, spammers do not bother cleaning their address lists.

My thought process has been that if we give feedback as to which messages
made it past our defenses, we're essentially telling the spammers how to
construct better spam.

Then again, maybe no one is there to see the 550s these days and since (I
agree with David) spammers don't seem to care if addresses are valid, they
probably don't care if the spam gets there or not.

As for why we quarantine in the first place, we roll our own clam
signatures, some of which are a little dicey, so we like to be able to dig
ourselves out of the problems we create for ourselves.  As long as the
volume isn't out of control (it isn't yet), it's better for us to accept
the responsibility than to place it on the users who somehow managed to
construct sentences that read like Mab Libs but are nonetheless valid.

Perhaps clam is the wrong tool for that kind of thing, but it's just so
convenient, that it's going to be hard to choose another method.

Jeffrey Moskot
System Administrator
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